‘Olympia’ is now a CIBA Chaucer Awards finalist…
'Olympia' has taken yet another significant step up the ladder of the Chaucer Awards for pre-1750s historical fiction. We will know soon enough whether it has had the very good fortune to go all the way...
British Museum / National Museum of Australia includes ‘Olympia’ as a recommended item…
The stunning new exhibition entitled 'Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes' - which comprises some 170 priceless artefacts on loan from the British Museum - is housed in the National Museum of Australia (Canberra) and runs between 17 December 2021 through to...
‘Chaucer Awards’ for pre-1750s historical literature good news…
'Olympia' advances from the CIBA Chaucer Awards long list to the short list; now in contention for the Finals.
2022 Beijing Winter Games – Opening Ceremony.
As with the Summer Games every 4 years, this year's Beijing Games are - as we can see in the photos above and below - spearheaded by the Greek contingent of Winter Olympians in pride of place as the founding nation of the Olympics. Wonderfully, the host nation even...