

Official ‘Olympia’ book launch a resounding success…

Official ‘Olympia’ book launch a resounding success…

Despite an imminent lockdown, fated to start only a few hours after the end of the launch event, the official book launch for 'Olympia: The Birth of the Games' at Melbourne's gorgeous Hellenic Museum went off with a real bang. Mountains of books were moved into the...

‘Olympia’ 2024 Illustrated Edition – Press release.

‘Olympia’ 2024 Illustrated Edition – Press release.

To mark the release of the gorgeously illustrated 2024 version of 'Olympia: The Birth of the Games', our publisher has been sure to have it mentioned everywhere important. Now being stocked by Harvard University's own bookshop...

100 Days To Go (actually, a bit less than that now)…!

100 Days To Go (actually, a bit less than that now)…!

Held by a torch maiden who captured the rays of Helios in a special concentric dish, the heat of the Sun ignited the first Olympic torch for the Paris 2024 Games on the 16th of April. The torch now travels some 12,000 kms across the globe - with a special emphasis...