So you’ve pre-ordered or already got your hands on a copy of the book, maybe been lucky enough to score a bottle of ‘Olympia wine’ (see the blog photo directly below, a feature of the upcoming book launch at the Hellenic Museum on July 15) but have you ever thought about ‘wearing a novel’ you might have enjoyed?
‘Histria Books’ certainly has – they’ve not only designed a quality ‘t’ with the Olympia logo ‘loud & proud’ on the front, but they’ve also thrown in a funky Japanese script version, too, as well as the cotton t’s in a range of colours. Flick back to this website’s homepage, scroll down to the very bottom and you’ll find the Amazon links there. Hit the links and grab a groovy ‘t’ in your size and with your choice of fabric colour.
Oh and there are also Olympia logo-ed throw cushions and quality tote bags to consider, too…